Raw Food Diet Cured My Keratosis Pilaris

Have you got keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken skin? I will show you how raw food diet cured my keratosis pilaris and you can try it out too!

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition. It is characterized by numerous flesh colored bumps covering the upper arms, back of thighs, back of legs, buttocks, scalp and even the face.

The bumps can also be red due to inflammation and they can also be white when they contain pus due to infection (resulting from scratching/picking).

In this article, we shall see how the raw food diet can help control or eliminate keratosis pilaris. It's totally possible.

The Raw Food Diet for Keratosis Pilaris

The raw food diet is not just a fad diet, it's a really cleansing and nourishing diet that everyone must try out once in a while to purify their system.

For keratosis pilaris, you don't have to go completely raw your whole life. In fact, going completely raw, omitting cooked foods totally is not healthy for you. Some of the reasons to avoid going completely raw include:

Raw fruits and vegetables contain cellulose and other fibrous structures that our stomachs have a hard time breaking down. Constantly consuming foods that your body cannot easily digest makes our stomachs weak, which causes problems such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea and even a weakened immune system.

Being unable to digest raw foods properly means the body cannot properly absorb nutrients efficiently. Cooking vegetables helps predigests them, so that we can easily access the vitamins and minerals.

According to Chinese medicine, raw foods are too 'cold' in nature which makes them require too much energy for the body to digest. This weakens the digestive system. The body has to use more energy in digestion, which results in less energy for other bodily functions such as in the immune and reproductive system.

Have you got keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken skin? I will show you how raw food diet cured my keratosis pilaris and you can try it out too!

What to Eat in the Raw Food Diet

So how do you use the raw food diet for keratosis pilaris? The key here is to consume a large variety of fresh produce daily. Replace packaged artificial foods with fresh produce to benefit from phytonutrients, antioxidants and vitamins and minerals you won't find in packed foods.

In the raw food diet for KP, you can consume foods such as:

  • Soaked nuts
  • Dry fruits
  • Fresh fruits & vegetables
  • Fresh organic berries
  • Sauerkraut, kimchi
  • Sprouted seeds and legumes
  • Smoothies
  • Salads
  • Fresh fruit juice
  • Lots of water

My Tip: I loved eating citrus fruits, having green juices, berry smoothies, eating avocados (guacamole!) and consuming enough water! Did you know that keratosis pilaris is linked to vitamin A deficiency? So munch on carrot sticks, oranges, mangoes, bell peppers and any orange fleshed produce (they're orange because they contain beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A in your body) to get enough Vitamin A in your body.

How the Raw Food Diet Helps Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is caused by an abundance of keratin in the skin. Keratin is a naturally occurring protein in the skin. It holds the skin together and protects it from harmful elements and substances.

Now, keratin is an insoluble protein produced by amino acids. It is found in high protein foods such as meat and dairy. In the raw food diet, meat and dairy are in most cases excluded. Although some people consume raw fish, sea food and dairy, while doing the raw food diet for keratosis pilaris, I recommend cutting out dairy and meat.

Raw food diet also offers the following benefits that help prevent and control skin conditions like keratosis pilaris:

  • Reduces inflammation in the body
  • Cleanses the digestive system which removes toxins
  • Nourishes the body with phytonutrients and antioxidants
  • Promotes clear and glowing skin

How to Do the Raw Food Diet

The point of a raw food diet to cure keratosis pilaris is avoiding or greatly reducing consumption of junk food, fried foods, packaged foods, refined carbs, artificial flavors & colorings and processed meats. Avoiding diary has also shown to reduce skin conditions like keratosis pilaris.

Here's an outline on what you can eat on a healthy raw food diet cleanse in a day:

Breakfast ideas
A tall glass of fresh orange juice and two bananas
A superfood smoothie
An acai bowl with chia seeds and fresh berries
Creamy almond milk banana shake sweetened with dates
Coconut water
Overnight oats

Snack ideas
Carrot and cucumber sticks sprinkled with salt
Soaked nuts
Dry fruits
Lots of water

Lunch ideas
Fresh garden salad

Dinner ideas
A green smoothie
Fresh salads

How Long to Do the Raw Food Diet

You don't have to go raw for life to cure your keratosis, is what I've found. I recommend starting slow, then growing big as you get comfortable with eating raw foods.

To get your keratosis pilaris under control, you can do the raw food diet:

  • once a day per month
  • three days per month
  • seven days per month
  • one whole month

The Final Verdict

Personally, for me, and especially if you have really aggravated keratosis pilaris, doing the raw food diet for weekly per month can show you amazing results.

After your first week of doing the monthly raw food diet, you will notice that your bumps will no longer be rash-like, inflamed, reddened and have pus in them (those with white bumps).

Doing it consistently will make you comfortable enough to wear short sleeves or sleeveless tops again!

After six months, you can slow it down to even once a month or thrice a month for maintenance. It's nice to give your body a break and cleanse by treating it to a raw food diet once a month!

Now that my rash-like keratosis pilaris is cured, I can still get an occasional bump or two on my upper arm but they are so inconspicuous and go away naturally because I don't pick at them.

If the raw food diet cured my keratosis pilaris then it can cure yours too! Please try it out at least once and come share your thoughts below!

Also Read:

List of Foods to Avoid if you Have Keratosis Pilaris

Raw Food Diet Cured My Keratosis Pilaris

Source: https://superfoodsanctuary.com/raw-food-diet-cured-my-keratosis-pilaris/

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